Introduction to Appraisals

This 3 hour session will enable you to use best practice when preparing for and conducting appraisal meetings with employees and understand where these meetings sit within the wider context of performance management systems. Topics include how to manage performance through objectives and standard setting and understand how appraisal meetings fit within a performance management system. Learning is contextualised through the opportunity to practice the skills learned through role play in a safe environment.

Suitable Audience

Councillors and staff responsible for managing people and performance, or those who wish to develop their knowledge in this area. This training will be held at a venue.


Councils can achieve the best results from their employees by managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards. Councils which have a simple performance management system also have employees who understand the standards required of them, who are able to prioritise their work and know how it fits into the overall aims of the council. Good performance management includes the identification of training needs ensuring that people have the knowledge and skills needed to make the council successful.

By the end of the ‘Introduction to Appraisals’ you will:

  • Understand where the appraisal interview fits in the context of performance management and the local council framework
  • Understand the background knowledge behind the appraisal interview
  • Be able to plan an employee’s performance
  • Understand the performance appraisal process
  • Have tools to help you conduct an appraisal interview and manage under performance


Sharon Nineham

2022/2023 Prices

Hampshire ALC Member/Development Partner£48+VAT
Berkshire ALC Member/Non Hampshire Development Partner£59+VAT
Non Member£72+VAT

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